Thursday 14 September 2017

Trump Just Bragged About His Hand Size During A Photo Op With Hurricane Irma Victims

While presidents routinely visit disaster areas to get their hands dirty in recovery efforts, President Trump sees different opportunity in the visits. They are chances to make a show of his “too big” hands.

For the second time in two weeks, Trump has visited an area hit by a hurricane and before food to victims in front of the camera, he struggled to put on gloves and called out to any in earshot that his hands are too big.

On September 3, after Hurricane Harvey wreaked havoc on Southeast Texas, Trump visited Houston where, in the below clip, he started to put on gloves, paused, looked around until he found a camera, and proclaimed “my hands are too big.”

Apparently, Trump was pleased with how the bit went over because he repeated it again in Florida today, in the wake of Hurricane Irma.

It’s nice for a president to be able to joke with people. That, however, is not what this is. The President of the United States has traveled to a disaster site, ostensibly to help people in need and, on at least two occasions, has refocused attention on his own petty insecurities.

And let’s be clear, while many have mocked the Trump’s pea-sized hands, nobody really cares how big his hands are but him. The only reason it is an issue is because it is so pathetically easy to drive his narcissistic obsessions to the irrelevant.

If Trump cared about the future of the American people one-tenth as much as proving his own physical stature, the Executive Branch would be a much more stable place.

Source :occupydemocrats

Author: verified_user

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