Friday, 10 November 2017

Rand Paul's injuries remain shrouded in mystery as alleged attacker pleads not guilty - Washington Post


Washington Post

Rand Paul's injuries remain shrouded in mystery as alleged attacker pleads not guilty
Washington Post
BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — A man who allegedly attacked Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) in his yard last week and broke at least six of his ribs pleaded not guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge Thursday. Rene Boucher, 59, a retired anesthesiologist, appeared in ...
Rand Paul and his neighbor haven't talked in yearsCNN
The Neighbors Who Stand with RandWall Street Journal
Rand Paul adviser: Senator and alleged attacker hadn't spoken in years prior to incidentPolitico
The Hill -ABC News -New York Daily News -Washington Examiner
all 169 news articles »

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